Malachi 4:5-6
Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to the fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.
My heart was moved with a glimmer of revelation concerning this verse when talking to an older
(older in IHOP world is like over 25 but this woman was over 30 - which I know is not old but it is just not 20) mother of 6 who has moved here with her family to go to the Forerunner School of Ministry because God told her to come.
As we began to talk, she asked me if she belonged here since most everyone is under 25. Immediately the Holy Spirit whispered into my heart Malachi 4:5-6. At that instant I understood more meaning in this verse. (I know there is so much more to it... but it is a beginning for me)
In the past, it seems that each time the emerging generation has been given "fire and zeal" from the Holy Spirit for the things of God the “Adults” in the church have not stood with them.
I believe God is raising up a generation of young adults that are zealous and at the same time raising up spiritual mothers and fathers that not only cheer and uphold these crazy ideas of abandonment to God and His purposes through prayer, fasting, love of the Bible, and power demonstrations but actually lead the way in their own zeal and humility. These parents in the natural and the Spirit are not so concerned with position and authority that they can't bear to see someone younger teach, preach, or lead. They have eyes for what the Father is doing in the earth to prepare the Bride for the coming of the Son and these parents are friends of the Bridegroom.
I have this picture of Aiden running. And now that he can run he thinks he is super fast and really his legs do move in rapid speed and he loves it. Then when I begin to chase and gain and even pass him he squeals with delight and picks up the pace in a way he didn't even know he could. He will soon out run me -or at least push me to my limit.
God is raising up the parents that don't shun or squelch the move of God but actually provoke the young ones to jealousy with their wisdom and zeal.
God is calling Fathers and Mothers, Forerunners to the Forerunners, who see the hand of God upon the rising generation and are excited! Parents who see the young ones beginning to run and who join in and set new standards for the race.