Plato said if you want to govern a nation and you have to choose between art and politics, choose art.”

Richard and I do not usually go to movies together on date night because most movies are not worth seeing. But, this week we were so excited to go see Bella. It was absolutely stunning. My heart was moved and shaken to the core for real. I laughed, and cried. Great art is supposed to do that...
Check out an excerpt from an article (the full article is a pdf file. To read lick on the word "article" and then choose the box on the left that is titled Eduardo Verastegui and 'Bella' by Anita Crane July - August 2007) relaying the story of the main actor. His testimony and stance for righteousness is unbelievable.
When I asked Eduardo to guide young artists on the limits of compromise, he was absolutely clear. He said, “I won’t do anything that will offend God. Period.“When you kill somebody in the movies, you’re not killing anyone. But when you kiss someone, it’s really a kiss,” Eduardo stressed. “In sex scenes, you’re really half naked. So I would recommend that people be careful, because you are working with fire and you’re gonna get burned.
Don’t risk yourself for some role. I know because I did it. And I’m telling you, 12 years of that was nothing but emptiness, pain and suffering.” Eduardo described sex scenes as what they are: “legal adultery.” And because a kiss is sacred, he vows to kiss no woman unless she’s his wife. “Every single person in Hollywood, including hardcore Catholics, told me I wouldn’t work,” Eduardo admitted.
“So if changing my path to follow Christ means that I will never work, thanks be to God. I’m free, because you know what? I wasn’t born to be a movie star. I was born to be a saint, just like you. And this is not going to get in my way. Or God will make it happen in a way that I don’t have to compromise.”
I can't wait til Saturday!!! Extra thank you's to Richard in advance. Izzy is excited.
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