
Let the truth be spoken...

Okay, so I have a certain friend that though she is very wonderful has made a grave mistake and I feel it is my duty to correct her. Normally, I may in the spirit of Matthew 5,6, and 7 say "so what? Someone made an incorrect assumption... No need to point it out." But then there are those times when injustice must be called out and dealt with. This may well be my longest post ever but believe me this erroneous rumor calls for some "words" if you know what I mean... My friend posted this comment to Kelsey's blog "Chocolate may not be good for the body..." Look at some of these facts I found on the internet and Let the truth be told:

1. Chocolate has Flavonoids... I am not making this up!
Flavonoids provide important protective benefits to plants, such as in repairing damage and shielding from environmental toxins. When we consume plant-based foods rich in flavonoids, it appears that we also benefit from this “antioxidant” power. Antioxidants are believed to help the body’s cells resist damage caused by free radicals, formed by normal bodily processes such as breathing or environmental contaminants like cigarette smoke. When the body lacks adequate levels of antioxidants, free radical damage ensues, leading to increases in LDL-cholesterol oxidation and plaque formation on arterial walls.
2. For centuries, chocolate has been used to treat diseases and maladies such as depression. The U.S. government officially recognized its virtues in World War II, making the chocolate candy bar standard issue for the military.
3. Chocolate has exceptional nutritional qualities, being a high energy food in a small volume. It not only contains carbohydrates, fats, and vegetable proteins, but also has large quantities of potassium and magnesium, some calcium and sodium, and vitamins A1, B1, B2, D, and E.

Chocolate contains a number of other substances in small, but effective, quantities:

Theobromine, which stimulates the central nervous system, facilitates muscular exertion, acts as a diuretic and appetite stimulant.

Caffeine, which increases resistance to fatigue, intellectual activity, and watchfulness. An average size chocolate bar contains approximately 6 mg of caffeine, compared to 100-150 mg in a cup of coffee.

Phenylethylamine, which is the chemical released in our bodies when we fall in love and is chemically similar to amphetamines, therefore acting as a psycho-stimulant.

Tryptophan, an essential amino acid that increases the production of serotonin, an anti-depressant and natural stress-reducer. In fact, a decrease in serotonin levels in the brain may trigger cravings for starches, sweet foods and chocolate.

Endorphins, natural opiates that are released by the brain in increased amounts when eating chocolate, thereby elevating one's mood and reducing pain.

Phenols,which are also found in red wine, tea, fruits and vegetables, and may help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

4. Fortunately, scientists are beginning to disprove some common myths about the dangers of eating too much chocolate. For example, it is not true that eating chocolate can cause acne or make it worse. Nor is chocolate the threat to healthy teeth that it was once thought to be. While both cocoa and chocolate contain sugar, they also have properties that work against sugar's tendency to produce the oral bacteria that eventually leads to dental decay. In fact, researchers at the Eastman Dental Center in Rochester, New York, have concluded that milk chocolate is one of the snack foods that is least likely to contribute to tooth decay, since it contains phosphate and other minerals.
5. "Chocolate contains up to four times the anti-oxidants found in tea." In fact, that was the conclusion of a recent study by Holland's National Institute of Public Health and Environment. Researchers found that chocolate - specifically dark chocolate - contains 53.5 mg of catechins per 100 grams. (Catechins are the powerful anti-oxidants that fight against cancer-causing cells and help prevent heart disease). By contrast, 100 ml of black tea contains a mere 13.9 mg of catechins.

Chocolate is good for the body!
Another Happy Ending Folks!


At 6:08 AM, Blogger Danielle said...

Oh Wow! Was I ever wrong! Actually, what I really meant to say was sugar-not chocolate, but I will NEVER make that mistake again. :) Thank you for saving the day for our best friend chocolate!

At 6:11 AM, Blogger Danielle said...

I think my favorite part is is #3. Chocolate increases watchfulness. Selah.

At 8:51 AM, Blogger Marci Lewellen said...

Yes, chocolate increases watchfulness... seems as though it is an essiential part of the prayer movement at the end of the age!!!

Did I mention...I love you danielle!

At 2:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree...but what is chocolate sold in?

ive often wondered how the oompa loompas had such boyish figures.

At 6:23 PM, Blogger Marci Lewellen said...

you make me laugh kimberly!!!

At 9:32 PM, Blogger The Weaver Family said...

Does chocolate loose nutritional value once it is heated and combined with say... milk and espresso? Does whip cream count as nutritious if it is combined with this melted chocolate milk espresso goodness? If I find an old frozen chocolate chip in the freezer and eat it out of sheer desperation does that count as being a good steward of my nutritional daily calcium and such or does frost burn cancel out all the nutrients?

At 4:35 AM, Blogger Marci Lewellen said...

Sounds like you must be speaking from some experience :)
These are some great points which are hot topics in the scientific community. From my personal research I would say yes to all these important questions!

At 6:55 AM, Blogger Danielle said...

Reasoning. This is one of the very reasons that I am friends with both Marci and Katchen.

At 10:33 PM, Blogger Jenny Powell said...

you need to post something new... because every time i come to check your blog - that photo of the cookies makes me HUNGRY!

At 4:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And to think...I was feeling so guilty about all the chocolate I had eaten today! Now I can feel good about myself :-)


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