
"Whenever Two or more are gathered in His name..."

Okay, so if anyone needs a prayer answered may I suggest the Lewellen household as the place to go! We have 7 other people not including Richard, Aiden, or Arwen living with us right now... We (Aiden, Richard, Arwen and me) are in the bedroom smiling that we can hear the whispers of the 5 teens in the living room right now talking about how much fun their first day of the Summer Teen Intership at IHOP was...

The best part is that Richard's brother's christian punk band is coming to stay at our house on their way to play at Cornerstone... that adds another 4 people...

I know what you are thinking... and I am sorry, but there is no room or floorspace availabe... but, come to think of it, the goats rarely use their goat pen...

So, though there is no room or floorspace there is a sort of manger available for use...


At 2:56 AM, Blogger Kristi Walsh said...

Sounds like fun - at least, for the first few days! :-) You are very brave, my friend. I bet the teens love it and are having a blast!

At 7:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sarah and I are going to Cornerstone. We'll try and find them. weeee. . . .

At 3:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow i member those days of ST3 or whatever they call it now. i need to find Richard's bro (jon?) cause we are heading to cstone too.

oh yeah my band is playing with mewithoutYou (www.myspace.com/mewithoutyou) which is very, very exciting for us. if you could pray for the show <3

At 7:43 AM, Blogger sarah said...

yeah i remember those times. have fun in the crowded house. i dont think i will be making it for the 4th this year

At 8:51 AM, Blogger Danielle said...

I miss you! I hope everything is going well!


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